Owned and managed by Charles Specht, Constructive Risk is an independent insurance consulting firm based out of central California. I am committed to providing my clients—in both the public and private sectors—with the highest quality insurance and risk management consulting services available.

Since 2000, I have offered a wide range of insurance advice and risk management services to clients worldwide in many different fields and industries.

What I don’t do:

I do NOT sell insurance, receive commissions, nor am I affiliated with any insurance company, broker, or agent. I do not accept gifts, contingencies, nor will I even allow an insurance agent/broker to pay for my lunch!

What I do:

What I do provide is a full range of expert, independent consulting services that can help your organization develop and maintain a comprehensive risk management and insurance program, while dramatically lowering your insurance costs, claims, and premiums.

For more information on how I can help your business or organization save money, email me for a FREE CONSULTATION